common notes

Common notes was made during the Swamp School: Lithuanian pavilion, Venice Architecture biennale (2018). The pinkhousers (Gijs and Ersi) were invited by Nico Dockx to join a Summerschool that he co-organized with curators Nomeda & Gediminas Urbonas, founders of the swamp school. The notes were collected from the participants during the release of Commonism A new aesthetics of the real by Nico Dockx and Pascal Gielen.


A5 black and white / copies: 50+
Sept. 2018

Editors: Gijs Waterschoot, Ersi Varveri, Jackson Shal-Cross Plat


Notes by: Aaron, Brandon, Camilla, Chiara, Deborah, Ersi, Gijs, Giovanni, Jackson, Katinka, Leander, Liesje, Lillya, Matteo, Nico, School of Love, Thomas, Thuy, Tommaso, Valentin, Video Blu, Sofia