How to become a pocket
How to become a pocket was published in Nancy, August 2021 – in French and English 
as part of Terretoir #5 organised by openspace with the warm invitation of Vincent Verlé!
C’est ma poche qui t’appelle was performed at Marché du Haut du Lièvre on Sunday 8 of August.
30x25 cm, 8 pages, 200 copies, black and white
Nancy (FR)
July, August 2021

edit by Ersi Varveri

with Camille Bondon, Anna Byskov, Camilla Cason, Carls Gibson, Lucas Lopes Pereira & Harrison Rodrigues Gomes dos Santos, Giacopo Miliani, Camille Mougenel, Aurélie Pertusot, Marianne Thibault, Sophie Verlé, Vincent Verlé, Gijs Waterschoot


how to become… series was initiated by Ersi Varveri as part of the research project ‘one space becoming another’ (2020-2022) connected to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp.
With this newspaper I want to share material from the ongoing research and to explore the idea of a portable space in a printed form!