How to become essential

This issue is dedicated to gardening. Thinking of gardening as an essential practice to integrate, to take care, to heal. We have been invited to live and reflect for a while in Bijlmer, Amsterdam Z-O. For the past months we have been strolling the area and we noticed many gardens, big and small in between buildings or in front of houses.. Most of these plots have something particular. We feel that gardening is an activity that goes beyond the form of having a single garden; having my own vegetables, there is a voice behind the gardening activity! Focusing at the moment in the Bijlmer area, curious to learn more about these initiations we engaged into conversations with people that live or have been active in this area, sharing their story on gardening, neighborhood, soil, permaculture, food, flowers, future perspectives and so on. You can discover this talks in these pages. Conversation with Rob Alberts, Yaima Carrazana & Loidys Carnero, Ama Koranteng Kumi from Bloei & Groei and Ingrid Ogbuli from MCTC.


The word essential that comes as a title for this issue exposes the urgency regarding gardening and being connected to nature! It is also a term that lately is being used extensively due to the corona measurements, thinking ‘what is actually essential?’

30x25 cm, 8 pages, 200 copies, green and pink • 'how to become essential' was printed riso by Kaboem (Amsterdam)
Amsterdam, Bijlmer 2022
February 2022

design, edit by Ersi Varveri & Gijs Waterschoot (php)

in conversation with Rob Alberts, Yaima Carrazana & Loidys Carnero, Ama Koranteng Kumi from Bloei & Groei and Ingrid Ogbuli from MCTC.

how to become… series was initiated by Ersi Varveri as part of the research project ‘one space becoming another’ (2020-2022) connected to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp.
With this newspaper I want to share material from the ongoing research and to explore the idea of a portable space in a printed form!