Visitors guide – Naughty kids
The visitors guide of the exhibition ‘Naughty Kids, punk in Antwerp 1978-2018’ on Sep. 2018 in Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp. The visitors guide was made on the spot as part of Pink house press‘s residency during the duration of the show. In this event we had a big table and the photocopier of the Academy available to do whatever the @&(!#&((* we wanted. In the same time, we had the chance to produce some zines as well as take the old beauuutiful fanzines out of their showcases, re-prin them and re-distribute them from our temporary lab at the ‘wintergarden’ room of the school. 
copies: 1000+
Antwerp (BE)

Editors: Gijs Waterschoot – Ersi Varveri

In collaboration with: J.Krissis, Leen Hammenecker, Nico Dockx, Peter Bosteels, Johan Pas, Ria de Boodt and more