Pink House, Antwerp
The tree doesn’t fall far from the apple


We crawl in their ateliers we discover old photographs, drawings

and many paintings. 

In a glimpse, this is how its started!

We grew up with the smell of oil paint, 

thick dusty art history books we used as castles or doll houses.

Don’t eat the paint!* _Mum I said jeans, no genes…

Is it a family matter or not? In any case, on The tree that doesn’t fall far from the apple we invited our parents, Anne Vernimmen and Kostas Varveris, both artists-painters to show their work in (our) the Pink House. 




The tree doesn’t fall far from the apple is a duo exhibition with work from Anne Vernimmen and Kostas Varveris, both painters, working in a very differet way, coming from a different background.

Anne (Gijs’s mother) studied painting at the KASK in Ghent and currently she is teaching painting at the Academy of Hamme (be). She paints landscapes and abstract patterns that she finds from observations and long walks in nature. For the series shown here she took inspiration out of a collection of newspaper articles and personal meaningfull objects. 

Kostas (Ersi’s father) is a self-taught painter and writer, living and working in Syros (gr), where he grew up and has lived all his life. His paintings are dense surrealistic environments, in most cases drawing inspiration from nature. Concerned about environmental destruction, he follows his own paths to express the (mental) dead-ends of modern society. The central element-axis in his painting is the sea and the life in and around it.



Along with the exhibition a magazine Php no. #3 with material from their archives, found during the visit to their studios and the browsing of their archives: notes, drawings, magazine clippings, old brochures, etc.


The tree does not fall far from the apple” organized at Pink House, on the occasion of Antwerp Art Weekend (2018).

The tree doesn't fall far from the apple.

Anne Vernimmen &
Kostas Varveris

Pink House - Antwerp
May 2018

• PHp #3 - 'The tree that doesn’t fall far from the apple'
with archives of Anne Vernimmen and Kostas Varveris

Ersi Varveri
Gijs Waterschoot
Aggeliki Psilopoulou

edition of 30 / release date
May 2018

thanks to: Kostas Varveris, Anne Vernimmen, Aggeliki Psilopoulou, Nico Dockx, Eleanor Whright, Ricoh, 
~ wrap ribbons: bookmark from Mentis fiber manufactury, Petralona Athens.

pictures also from Karina Beumer (AAW2018)

'the tree doesn't fall far from the apple' part of Antwerp Art Weekend 2018.