the anti-angelic host
the title of the project was borrowed from The anti-angelic host - on Virginia Woolf and the politics of hosting by Jan Verwoert


on hospitality and artistic practice, organized in the pink house. suggesting a magazine as an exercise of, how to involve more people inaproject. This magazine was the beginning of the pink house press.



project developed by

Danai Giannoglou, Ersi Varveri, Paki Vlasopoulou, Gijs Waterschoot

pink house, Antwerp
October 2017

publication PHp #1 - The anti-angelic host. 2017

Gijs Waterschoot
Ersi Varveri
Paki Vlasopoulou

introduction text by
Danai Giannoglou

contributions by
Gregor Andzelm
Machteld Bernaert
Jo Kmo
Valentin Cernat
Camille Cluzan
Lynn Depreeuw
Voebe De Gruyter
Michaella Del Brollo
Nico Dockx
Fabio Ramirez Enrique
Casper Fitzhue
Adam Galach
Erik Hagoort
Erin Helsen
Rien Schellemans
Idris Sevenans
Sorry Future Proof
Vasilis Papageorgiou
Zena Van den Block
Bram Van Meervelde
Amber Vanluffelen
Danielle Van Zuijlen