Periptero (kiosk) – pink house press

The power to move your business.

PHP#2 (on neighbourhood).

pink house, February 2018

we created an architectural structure that could house and distribute our magazines, make room for our library and create a space where books and people could meet.

The structure became a replica of a Greek kiosk (Greek: periptero). These kiosks are individual units located on the streets and sell mainly drinks, cigarettes and newspapers, chewing gum, etc. In our case one could find zines and magazines, made in the pink house or distribute publications and other editions from friends. The profit we made from these editions was to balance the expenses of the house.


structure designed and made by Camille Cluzan, Ersi Varveri, Gijs Waterschoot. Thanks to Valentine Cernat, Adam Galach


The periptero was open to visit and catch up through our publications on various weekends since its release. Later it became part of (almost) every event that was held in ph. Our periptero was built to be easily dismantled and rebuilt, so that it could travel to other places and occasions. (see below)


Launch of PHp #2 magazine, The power to move your business'
Theme for this magazine was ‘the neighborhood’ see our groundfloor as (also) a neighbourhood.

edition of 80

release date
February 2018

Ersi Varveri
Gijs Waterschoot
Camille Cluzan

contributions by
Karina Beumer
Willem Coenen
Cosmopolite inc
Olga Evangelidou
Giannis Galiatsos
Maika Garnica
Alexis Gautier
Harry Heirmans
Erin Helsen
Constantine Lianos
Jef Meyer
Pat McCarthy
Mathias MU
An Onghena
Ria Pacquée
Mia Syn
Adrien Tirtiaux
Luisa Ungar
Lieven Van Dercruyssen
Puck Vonk
Sam Watson
Eleanor Wright
Ersi Varveri
Gijs Waterschoot

Inside you can find nicely crafted prints, limited editions of analog pictures by Lieven Van Dercruyssen during one of this trips in Croatia, a set of photographs by Ria Pacquée. An insert zine by Pat Mccarthy! Harry Heirman’s own Lottery Bills, !everybody wins! A beautifull newspaper story and experience from Alexis Gautier’s residency in Indonesia-→ Floating islands! And so on…!


periptero php in the University of Antwerp during 

University of Antwerp, during.....


book fair, Royal Academy of fine Arts, Antwerp. 2018


periptero, portable unit

Fair share book fair, CIAP-Hasselt (2019)